About Us
A message from the founder of TT Dynamics, Tyler Taschner
It all started on a brisk fall evening on November 5, 2011. It was an extremely windy day and while I was sitting in a tree stand bow hunting for deer an adjacent tree snapped in the wind. The broken tree then fell into the tree I was sitting in, slid down the tree and landed directly on my back. The fallen tree broke my T11-T12 vertebra and severed my spinal cord. Coupled with the broken vertebra the 15ft fall also broke eight ribs and punctured a lung.
Immediately after the injury I was taken to Sanford hospital in Sioux Falls, South Dakota where surgery was preformed to stabilize my spine. I stayed in Sioux Falls for nearly two weeks before I was flown to Craig Hospital in Denver, Colorado. This hospital specializes in brain and spinal cord injuries. Over my two-month stay in Denver I was taught what it would take to continue on in life living as independent as possible.
A key factor in remaining an independent person after an injury is finding a vehicle. Once it came time for me to try and find a vehicle to drive I realized how few options there really were for disabled individuals. Basically, you are faced with driving a mini van, which in many cases spinal cord injury happens to younger males and they feel like with driving a van they are losing one of the few “man cards” a person has. The other option you are faced with is driving a car and the problem with a car is that the wheelchair needs to be disassembled every time and you need to wrestle it into the cab of the car. The vehicle that I really wanted to drive post injury was a pickup because before the injury I was an avid sportsman and even post injury I have continued to fish, hunt and do all the other activities that I used to do before the accident. There were a couple options available for me to possibly drive a pickup but in reality they weren’t very affordable. So this is the point where the wheels in my head started to spin.
After I was released from the rehabilitation hospital I graduated from Hamlin High School a few months later. After high school I decided to continue my education and pursue a Mechanical Engineering degree from South Dakota State University. I graduated with my bachelor’s degree in May of 2016 and the final class of my college career was to complete a senior design project. I figured what better time to come up with an affordable way for disabled individuals to drive a pickup than doing it for my senior design project. With the help of a few classmates over the course of a semester we came up with a process and a rough prototype that accomplished the task.
After college with the help of my dad and brother we continued to refine the prototype into a dependable, durable, finished product. The design is now patent pending and is ready to help provide an affordable option to drive a pickup over a minivan or car for other disabled people that have drawn the short end of the stick on life.
Thanks & Regards,
Tyler Taschner, CEO

TT Dynamics was started in January of 2017 and is just getting started on delivering a quality affordable solution for disabled individuals to drive a pickup truck.
Our goal is to allow those who have been dealt a bad hand the freedom and liberty to drive a full sized crew cab pickup and not be stuck with driving the usual minivan. We are looking forward to continuing to grow and reaching out to help as many people as possible.